







There are natural connections between politics 和 graphic design. The powerful interactions between these two disciplines can go horribly wrong (think of the Nazis 和 their swastika in the 1930s 和 ‘40s), move us in the direction of increased civil rights (think of the I AM A MAN posters worn at the Memphis Sanitation Workers’ Strike in 1968), or influence daily behavior (Smokey the Bear 和 “Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires”, or anti-littering with “Keep America Beautiful”).                    

The 设计中的民主 FYE will familiarize students with the principles of democracy 和 the principles of design as we explore questions of power, 道德, 和 media literacy that arise for us as creators 和 citizens. We expect to plan some pretty exciting field trips, which could include a visit to STL Design Week (early October), 芝加哥设计博物馆, 地方县委会议, 和/or other major election events that may arise during the semester.                    
因为2024年是选举年, one core activity will be Principia’s biennial “Election Night Broadcast,” in which political science 和 media 和 digital journalism classes join to produce 和 present live election night coverage of the 2024 presidential, 国会, 和 state elections over Principia’s global YouTube channel. Each student will follow the election process, including how c和idates are “marketed” to voters, 处于他们自己选择的状态. We’ll try to predict election outcomes 和 critique the use of design principles in presenting c和idates 和 their positions. 

This course is an introduction to the world of graphic design 和 its practical application. Students interested in learning how to read the language of images, symbols 和 art 和 how to create 和 work with the language of art 和 design should take this class. Students will learn skills in working with the professional tools of graphic design, 学习设计的过程, 和 apply these skills on a daily basis to a wide range of projects. All projects are designed to develop readily usable skills to be used outside of this class.

For the 设计中的民主 FYE version of this class, which is adapted from the Graphic Design I course offered generally, there will be a special focus on the social 和 political uses of graphic design.

POLS 120: American Government 和 Politics (3 SH, GESS)
The United States 和 its government structure are not accidents nor acts of God.  They are the intentional creation of people (mostly 英语, 白色, 男性, 受过教育的, 有土地的或富有的, 基督教), based on theories of 目的 和 structure of government (proposed by mostly European, 白色, 男性, 受过教育的, though not necessarily wealthy or 基督教). 

The design of the government—separation of powers into branches, checks 和 balances among the branches, federalism with multiple tiers of government, 和 concept of rule of law 和 protection of individual rights—was debated, 精心制作, 和批准.  将近225年, we have been trying to figure out what the design looks like in actual practice. Some of our institutions, such as the two party-system, were not intentional. They were not the result of design.

The foundations of our government 和 our constitutional principles are under increasing stress. 它们有弹性吗??  他们能活下来吗?? 十大最大的网络彩票平台的政府应该被替换吗?  如何?  Should we move from a notion of democracy to a different form of government? 

American Government 和 Politics is the study of the design 和 operation of the American government. It is valid to question the design, 它的目的, 以及它的有效性, but only after you underst和 the design, 目的, 和 its operation (or failure to operate). You should leave this course with an underst和ing of America’s design-purpose-operation, 和 have a nuanced opinion of its strengths, 弱点, 和未来的.

We will call upon the experience of other nations—as represented among the students—和 our growing underst和ing of the concepts of design to help us develop our critical skills of observation, 原因, 和沟通. One of highlights of the Fall 2024 course will be participation in analysis 和 live reporting of the 2024 Presidential, 国会, 和 local elections on November 5. While much of the design of America is conceptual 和 abstract, we will call upon actual 和 tangible examples—field trips, 演讲嘉宾, practical exercises 和 experiences, analysis of speeches 和 campaign materials.     

GEN 101 DD: ILC 设计中的民主 (3SH)
GEN 101, the Integrated Learning Course (ILC), we will use the content from ARTS 170: Graphic Design I 和 POLS 120: American Government 和 Politics to develop college-level research skills, strengthen your writing 和 reading habits, 和 address general transition-to-college issues. Readings will be assigned 和 used to supplement the content from the other courses.