
What is the “Skills for 弥合差距” Retreat?

All new students will participate in an off-campus pre-orientation retreat called “Skills for 弥合差距.” Skills for 弥合差距 is a program designed by Interfaith America. The curriculum has been implemented at both faith-based and secular colleges and universities across America to great success. It gives students skills to engage with people across deep divides, grounded in an understanding of each other’s core religious and spiritual worldviews.

在静修期间, students participate in a series of workshops designed to help them explore why they might want to build bridges with others; how to listen deeply; how to share stories about their values and perspectives; and how to navigate tension constructively and engage in difficult conversations. 

You can read more about the curriculum 在这里.

And you can watch an informative short video about the program 在这里.

The retreat also aims to build a more inclusive and bonded class culture. In addition to the Skills for 弥合差距 workshops, students will engage in activities designed to develop new connections, build confidence and resilience, 建立友谊, and put the bridge-building skills they are learning into practice. 在一起, the skills students learn and the experiences they share at the retreat will equip them to live and work successfully in a residential college community. 

Learning goals for this retreat are to: 

  1. Help students understand their peers (and themselves) better.

  2. Appreciate the rich diversity of religious expression in our community.

  3. Cultivate skills for dialogue and understanding across lines of difference.

  4. Begin to cultivate meaningful peer relationships and a sense of belonging.

You can view our Fall 2024 retreat itinerary 在这里.

A Note About CedarS Camps

CedarS Camps is a camp for Christian Science youth during the summers and functions as a retreat center during the off-seasons, open to multi-faith groups. 雪松有一个1,000 acre facility with an aquatic center, 水上滑梯, 体育中心, 缆索滑雪系统, zip线, 70多匹马. Students will enjoy vistas of rolling hills and miles of wooded trails and flowing creeks in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks.

What Should Students Expect?

The morning after new students arrive at the College, they will board air-conditioned chartered buses and embark on the three-hour drive to CedarS Camps in Lebanon, MO. This all-inclusive setting for the retreat allows students to focus their attention on building camaraderie and trust with each other through a unique shared experience. Cabins are air-conditioned with electricity and have attached bathrooms that can provide privacy for changing. Workshops will be held in air-conditioned camp buildings, and activities will take place all around the camp’s many acres of beautiful lakes, 一些流, 还有树木繁茂的山顶. 

 Outside the Skills for 弥合差距 curriculum, students will be able to choose connection-building activities and experiences based on their comfort and interest level. Choice of activities will range from conversation and arts/crafts groups, to indoor or outdoor sports, to pool swimming and lake kayaking, to more challenging experiences such as archery, zip衬里, 或者骑马.

No student will be required to swim or wear a swim-suit if that is not comfortable for them. Certified CedarS staff members will support activities. Meals will be cooked by CedarS staff and eaten together in the dining room (except for one outdoor campfire cooking/eating experience). Students who are vegan or vegetarian or who have dietary restrictions will be provided for.


Students are asked to prepare one or two bags with clothes and toiletries for the retreat. In addition, students will need to bring a set of twin sheets, a pillow, and a towel. A special Principia blanket will be provided as a gift for all new students. 所有客舱都有出口, and although some spaces on the camp property have limited cell service, students will be able to access Wifi.

A recommended retreat packing list can be found 在这里.